In the ongoing battle against climate change, the Retrofit Coordinator emerges as a linchpin in the process of retrofitting existing buildings to meet modern energy efficiency standards: . This pivotal role has gained prominence in Northern Ireland’s energy strategy, aligning with global efforts outlined in legislative acts like the Climate Change Act 2019. The essence of the Retrofit Coordinator’s duty lies in orchestrating the intricate dance between various stakeholders, policies, and technicalities to realize the vision of sustainable, energy-efficient housing.

PAS 2035

A key role in the PAS 2035 is the Retrofit Coordinator

Retrofitting dwellings for improved energy efficiency

The Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s (NIHE) comprehensive survey lays bare the pressing need for retrofitting interventions, highlighting the prevalence of energy-inefficient dwellings across the region. This data underscores the urgency with which the Retrofit Coordinator must operate, ensuring that every step is taken with utmost efficiency and effectiveness. Within the framework of the DfE 10X programme and the Northern Ireland Programme for Government, the role of the Retrofit Coordinator gains further significance, serving as a catalyst for transformative change in the housing sector.

Central to the Retrofit Coordinator’s mission is adherence to established standards and regulations, such as the BRE PAS 2030 and BRE PAS 2035, which provide guidelines for retrofitting processes. Navigating the labyrinth of building regulations and technical documents specific to Northern Ireland is no small feat, yet it is a challenge the Retrofit Coordinator must conquer with finesse. By staying abreast of evolving policies and legislation, they ensure that retrofit projects remain compliant and effective in mitigating carbon emissions.

A key role in the PAS 2035 is the Retrofit Coordinator

A key role in the PAS 2035 is the Retrofit Coordinator

Fuel poverty, a persistent issue addressed in the UK Government’s post-2020 report, underscores the social imperative of retrofitting initiatives. The Retrofit Coordinator, armed with a holistic understanding of energy efficiency measures, plays a pivotal role in alleviating the burden of fuel poverty on vulnerable communities. Through targeted interventions and strategic planning, they strive to create homes that are not only environmentally sustainable but also economically viable for residents.

In essence, the Retrofit Coordinator serves as the conductor of a symphony, harmonizing the efforts of architects, engineers, contractors, and policymakers to achieve a common goal: a greener, more resilient built environment. Their role extends beyond mere project management; it encompasses advocacy, education, and community engagement. By fostering collaboration and promoting best practices, the Retrofit Coordinator paves the way for a future where every dwelling is a testament to sustainability.

Retrofit Coordinator

Retrofit Coordinators are qualified to provide end‑to‑end project coordination

As Northern Ireland charts its course towards a net-zero future, the importance of the Retrofit Coordinator cannot be overstated. They are the linchpin upon which successful retrofitting initiatives hinge, bridging the gap between ambition and execution. With their guidance, every retrofit project becomes a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a more sustainable tomorrow. In their hands lies the power to transform buildings into catalysts for positive change, one retrofit at a time.

In conclusion, the Retrofit Coordinator emerges as a key protagonist in the narrative of sustainable development, wielding influence and expertise to reshape the built environment for generations to come. As we confront the challenges of climate change and energy insecurity, their role becomes increasingly indispensable. Through their dedication and ingenuity, they embody the spirit of progress, ushering in a new era of sustainability and resilience.

Currently Director Alan Ritchie and lead architect Albert Parkhouse are completing the OCN NI Level 5 Certificate in Retrofitting Domestic Properties at South Eastern Regional College (SERC)

PAS 2035