Yesterday, C60’s Town Planning Consultants successfully gained Planning Permission for upgrade works to strengthen the Flood Defenses at the Coca-Cola Hellenic All Ireland Production Facility located at Knockmore Hill near Lisburn, Northern Ireland.

“Planning Permission Success for
C60 Architects and Town Planners”

The Planning Permission has been granted following an extensive and thorough design process which examined multiple options and detailed flood analysis to ensure statutory compliance. The works are scheduled to commence immediately and are due to complete in September this year.

The works include the design and construction of defensive bunds, swales and culverts to channel flood water away from areas sensitive to business continuity. C60 is working closely with the client, the contractor and the design team to Value Engineer the proposals. It is hoped that the works can be completed well within the project budget.

C60 Director Roger Perrott will Project Manage the works on site.